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Prayer Journal
Prayer Journal
The way to bind the culture of Satan
Acts 19:8~20 In this way the world of the Lord spread widely and grew in power
Satan tries to take over culture and devour the entire world. If we fall into the culture of Satan, the spiritual problems that have persisted throughout our lives will grow even more serious over time. If we do not realize this, it will be a huge stumbling block and a great source of difficulty for us. However, if we realize this in the Gospel, it will become the path to the greatest blessings. What must we know in order to overcome Satan's attacks and find the answers to the problems that we have?
1. What we must do
There is something that we must do in order to overcome the culture of Satan. As we hold to the covenant of Christ who brought all our problems to an end, we must begin in the most Biblical and normal way. And we must find our own means to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that we would receive power and become witnesses to the ends of the earth if we received the filling of the Holy Spirit. We must firmly hold to this covenant.
2. What we must be thankful for
Jesus told us that there is something God desires to do through the problems that we have. THerefore, even when we have problems, it is of the utmost importance to know God's plan and restore genuine thanksgiving without being resentful of discouraged. In addition, if we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit in the midst of deep prayer, God will use the problems that we have in an important way. Paul was very spiritually afflicted, but after meeting Christ, he was able to cure with the Gospel those who were sick and demon-possessed.
3.The commission that God has entrusted to us who have the Gospel
There may be many people around us who perform wonders or are fascinated by unhealthy mysticism. There are those who are given to legalism and condemn others who have problems, and those who have ulterior motives and use humanism. We must be alert so that we do not fall into these things as well and instead correctly grab hold of God's Word. The culture of Satan appears formidable, but people crumble in an instant when disasters strike. What is important is that we must make preparations to save those who have fallen into the culture of Satan. This is the greatest commission that God has granted to us. What enters us when we are young will determine the rest of our lives. Therefore, it is essential that the covenant of Christ enters the Remnants (stump) while they are still young. If we have the covenant of Christ, we can overcome difficulties no matter what they are. This is why the Remnant movement and the RUTC (The Remnant Unity Training Center) are important and cultural conquest is urgent.
Wise Verse - 1
True Wisdom Comes from Fearing God, Not from Knowing How to Get By in the World
Pr 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Prayer Journal
The Life of an Evangelist
A blessed family is one i which both husband and wife hold to the pulpit message and have forum with the Gospel. It's even better if they're able to have forum with their children, too. It's at this time that the spiritual things of the family line are passed down to the children. There's nothing more joyful than sharing kinds of evidences that arose in the field when we held to the pulpit message. This is the beginning of the evangelism movement.
1. Today's evangelism
Meetings arise between people and in all different fields. Most people don't think twice about the meetings they have with others, but they are incredibly important when we see them through the eyes of the Gospel and evangelism. Everyone needs Christ. We must see this through meetings and relay it to others. All we have to do is tell the people we meet why they need Christ or relay important evangelism materials to them. We can tell those people that Jesus is the Christ when they understand why they need Christ. This is today's evangelism.
2. Today's Word
We must find today's Word through our pulpit message, as well as a message to relay in the field. We must find today's Word as we hold to the church pulpit message that is given to us each week. We will come to know what today's Word is when we go to the field. This is when our life begins to be led by the Word. This is the best way to have victory in the field.
3. Today's prayer
There are so many answers that we've received up to now. Prayer will take place if we have true thanksgiving regarding the answers we've received. That is when we will see the answers we will receive in the future. We can hold onto these answers and do scheduled prayer. This is today's prayer.
4. How can we start a life of an evangelist?
Holding to the Gospel in times of despair and discouragement is evangelism. We will find God's plan if we allow the Gospel to truly be the Gospel. We can save the world if we receive strength from the Word and prayer and keep evangelism in our hearts. We can save our lives, our talents and our finances.
Prayer Journal
The flower that blooms in the palace
There are many trees when you go to the courtyard of the kings of old.
These trees remained beside the kings throughout
the tumultuous palatial history.
This year, at the beck and call of the Creator God,
and within the flow of the seasons,
The trees bear countless flowers at the ends of its branches.
The flowers dance merrily in the face of the warm, spring breeze,
And looking at those flowers, a sudden, fleeting through passes:
I recall the prayer tropic of a pastor who began his church
In order to evangelize this region, where the royal palace and
500 years of idolatry stand.
May we be a church that spreads the fragrance of Jesus Christ,
The one, true king who came to give salvation to this world.
Life Style: Movie
Hi all.... I've been browsing around the internet of the latest informations about Naruto. If you want to find newest information or newest episodes released, you can go to......
- http://www.leafninja.com/
- http://www.narutocommunity.net/
Go leaf ninja!!!!
Life Style: Movie
Mike and Bryan Talk About Legend of Korra
The Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy has been running daily features on the upcoming series The Legend of Korrafor the past several days now. Their latest article is an interview with Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the creators of Avatar: the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. According to the article the new series is due out mid-2012 on Nickelodeon, not this November as previously once thought. Here is some good news though;Nickelodeon had originally only ordered 12 episodes for the new series but recently decided to order 14 more shows.
WSJ: How far along are you on the new series?
Mike: We are in the midst of the first twelve episodes. We’ve written all the episodes. Episodes have shipped to the overseas animations studios and they’re animating away as we speak. So we’re kind of in the middle of things right now…All the vocal cast has been picked and recorded and all the scripts have been recorded.
WSJ: Are you looking to win new viewers with the series or just satisfy fans of the old series who have grown up?
Mike: We want everyone to watch. Definitely fans of the first series will not be disappointed in this one. The tone is a little older, the characters are a little older than the first series�they’re teenagers. Korra is 16 so she’s older than Aang was. So I think maybe some people who weren’t into the first show might find this one and be into it.
WSJ: Since the main characters are older, will there be more romance?
Bryan: I thought Korra was 17 so Mike and I have to get our stories straight. The main characters are in their late teens, we’ve always loved those kind of teen love triangle type stories and there was plenty of that in the original series. We’re definitely getting into it in this series. The difference is these people have cars and motorcycles and things. There’s definitely a different dynamic. I’d say the show is more sophisticated than the original series but it has the same balance of tones we’ve always liked with humor, action, drama, scary stuff and romance.
WSJ: Will characters from the first series show up in “Korra”?
Bryan: Again it’s 70 years later so they’ll appear in various ways perhaps.
Mike: There is definitely a link to the old series and the old characters.
WSJ: Who is the main villain in Korra?
Mike: We have a great villain. He’s kind of an anti-bending revolutionary guy. Very scary dude. And definitely is quite a challenge for Korra.
Resource: http://www.lastairbenderfans.com/
Life Style: Movie
The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra
Korra is a rebellious 16 year old girl from the Southern Water Tribe. As the Avatar, she has already masteredWaterbending,Earthbending andFirebending. She will learn Airbending from Aang and Katara's son Tenzin. The primary and only confirmed setting isRepublic City, a "metropolis powered by steampunk-type technology", "inhabited by people from all four nations". There are Anti-Benders in Republic City who are strongly against the art of bending. Here, Korra must deal with rampant crime and an anti-bender revolt.
Resource: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/The_Last_Airbender:_Legend_of_Korra
Information Technology news: Software
Apple Makes Changes to Prevent Kids from Accidental In-App Buys
The new version of iOS adds another layer of security: in the past, in the first 15 minutes after an app was purchased, you didn't need to enter the iTunes password again. Parents who bought a game might hand the device over to a child, only to see a huge bill later as the children didn't understand they were racking up a bill.
However, it doesn't mean that a password needs to be entered for every in-app purchase. Once "unlocked," the in-app purchase policy means that purchases can be made for 15 minutes after the password is entered. Parents need to be remember that, and not just hand the device over.
Information Technology news: Software
Google Enables Instant Preview For Mobile, New Emergency Calling Display
It's the small steps, Sally! Some say big things come in tiny packages, and in this case, a big plus has come in the form of a small magnifying glass. Google's latest subtle tweak to the mobile browsing experience is shaping up to make a major difference in how people surf, and save them an awful lot of time along the way. Back in November 2010, Google started to showcase emergency phone numbers at the top of the results page for searches around poison control, suicide and other common emergencies in 14 countries. This week, the company is making it even simpler to quickly reach the help you may need by adding click-to-call capabilities for all of these emergency information search results.
Information Technology news: Gadget
Lest you might have forgotten, Apple sent out an announcement today reminding the world that its second generation magical device (and yes, Apple revived that term) -- the iPad 2 -- will be available tomorrow evening at 5 PM local time in each of its 236 Apple retail stores in the U.S, 1 AM PST online at www.apple.com, and 5 PM local time at AT&T, Best Buy, Target, Verizon Wireless, Walmart, and select Apple Authorized Resellers.
Those who march into an Apple Store to pick up an iPad 2 will be offered free Personal Setup service, helping you do things like setup your email and load new apps before you leave the store.
In case you somehow missed all the hoopla, from pre-launch rumors to Apple's March 2nd press event, the iPad 2 is 33 percent thinner and up to 15 percent lighter than the original iPad. It sports a faster dual-core processor with much better graphics performance, it has both rear- and front-facing cameras, can record 720p HD video, and still delivers up to 10 hours of battery life, or so Apple claims. Pricing is the same as before, meaning you can grab an iPad 2 starting at $499 for the 16GB Wi-Fi only model.
So back to our original question. Show of hands, how many of you are planning to pick up an iPad 2, either on launch day (tomorrow) or sometime after? If not the iPad 2, do you plan to purchase a tablet anytime soon? Which one?
Resource: http://hothardware.com/News/iPad-2-Arrives-Tomorrow-Whos-Getting-One/
Week Without Walls - Day 1