People usually get confuse when they have to choose something. For example Like what I've experienced, I'm in grade 10 right now and I go to school to Cita Hati, Surabaya, Indonesia. I join the IB program which this year, I have to choose the subjects. There are 6 groups;
1. Mother language (Indonesian or English)
2. Second language (Indonesian or English)
3. Math HL/SL
4. Science; Biology/ Chemistry/ Physics/ Environmental
5. Social Studies; Business Management/ Economics/
Psychology/ ITGS/ Environmental System
6. Art; Visual/ Theatre
There are two groups in each subject, HL (high level) and SD (standard level)
Choosing something because you're afraid that you don't have any friend in the class is a wrong thing. You should choose subjects that you are good at so you will make your homework and projects in a joy.
I know that I'm better in Indonesian because my first language is Indonesian so I'm going to choose Indonesian high level and English A1 standard level. Well for the science, I actually like biology because it's fun, but I don't like to memorize so I rather not to choose it and instead, i chose Environmental System. On social studies I chose psychology because i thought it would be fun rather than business or economics that we will be learning it ourselves when we're working.
P.S. Don't make your life harder.
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